Andreas Wiebe. Blog

My name is Andreas Wiebe and I am CEO of the innovative IT company Hulbee AG. Since my childhood I have been fascinated by science fiction. I love dreaming the impossible. After more than 20 years, this interest and the talent developed in me an intuition and courage to take the topics into my own hands that nobody believes can be realized. I am concerned with the trends and possibilities of new technologies in the IT sector.

And yet I realize that digitalization in our time also has many dangers that not many people are aware of. Our generation in particular is giving a direction as to how the digital world will transform itself in the future, either safely or not.

To the latest blog entries:

In my blog, I would like to exchange ideas with you about the topics of digitisation and its influence on the economy, politics and the family. ​

Businesses, schools and parents need to learn how to use digitisation properly. There is no way around digitisation, but how do we tackle this issue properly?

Businesses need a different approach than the home user.

Unfortunately, many politicians are very superficially familiar with the subject of digitisation, which leads to many legislative decisions taking the wrong direction, leaving both private users and businesses unprotected.

Unfortunately, many parents do not take responsibility in digital media education, but let their children discover this topic completely on their own. That is why I would like to share ideas and thoughts with you in this blog that will certainly help you.

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